April Hall with Storm Consultants, LLC, & the Storm Restoration Contractor Summit (SRC Summit) joined Chip Merlin on Tuesday to discuss the upcoming SRC Summit event she is hosting in Frisco, Texas, on January 23rd – 25th. As many of you that follow our blog know, it is common this time of year for industry seminars and events to take place around the country. However, due to COVID, this year is quite different and the SRC Summit is the only in-person industry conference happening in the first quarter of 2021 that I am aware of. April Hall advises there are attendees coming from 29 states to attend the Summit, so there is going to be a great turnout.
This will be my third year to attend the SRC Summit so let me tell you from personal experience it is a great event. Each year the SRC Summit assembles some of the most respected storm restoration professionals to share valuable information and insight that helps improve the industry. In the past, keynote speakers have included Daymond John, Brian Tracy, Tom Ziglar, son of Zig Ziglar and CEO of Ziglar, Inc., Howard Partridge, the first Ziglar Legacy Certified Trainer in the World, and last year was Roger Staubach offering a keynote address, “Winning in Business With the Right Coaches & Team.” This was particularly special for me getting to meet my childhood hero and Dallas Cowboy Hall-of-Famer.

Whether you are a lawyer, public adjuster, or especially a storm restoration contractor, this event will benefit you by bringing a new level of professionalism to the storm restoration industry through live education. As April discussed with Chip on Tuesday, the 2021 SRC Summit looks to be better than ever. This year the keynote speaker will be Keith Craft from Elevate Life and the agenda includes topics, panels, and workshops covering the latest issues in the storm restoration industry. There are over 40 Expert Speakers and I am honored to be participating in the Legal Panel alongside other first-party insurance litigators to discuss the latest trends and developments we are experiencing. Rest assured, attendees will be able take-away great information they can apply right away. There will even be some “Roofing Olympics” for fun and friendly competition.
So, if you have not already registered, I hope you will, and if you attend please be sure and come visit our Merlin Law Group sponsored booth to say hello. As an added incentive for following our blog, if you enter Promo Code: MERLIN (in all CAPS) when you register you will save $100 off General Admission or VIP Tickets. Hope to see many of you at the SRC Summit. You can visit here for additional information and tickets.