United Policyholders provides a forum to help advocate for and educate about the need for policyholder rights. As a result of United Policyholders, I and others with Merlin Law Group have been able to help support the legal rights of our current and future clients. To me, it would just seem natural that a law firm and its lawyers who say they are dedicated to the rights of policyholders would support with their time and money the activities of United Policyholders (UP). Otherwise, are you just doing it for the money?
Amy Bach, the Executive Director of UP, could not personally provide me a Lifetime Achievement Award because of a prior promise to my grandson. The photo above was taken at the First Party Claims Conference (FPCC) last week. Amy Bach was part of an important FPCC panel discussing UP’s RISC program, which is raising awareness about the growing “insurance gap” problem facing policyholders.
There are many other policyholder advocates who are worthy of receiving such an award. Indeed, other lawyers and law firms play a vital role in supporting United Policyholders. Further, the lawyers and staff of Merlin Law Group who take on my professional duties while I do volunteer work for United Policyholders and worked with me on UP projects over the years certainly deserve the credit for this award. While I am humbled to receive the award, the truth is that there is a large Merlin Law Group ground crew and my family support crew that makes all this happen.
If you are in the insurance claims or selling business helping policyholders in any manner, you should be part of the United Policyholders efforts and mission. UP has a staff of doers. They have enacted laws, are asked to provide the policyholder viewpoint in legislatures and regulatory bodies throughout the country, file pro-policyholder legal briefs—which judges often follow to make the common law favorable for policyholders, and educate insurance consumers about their rights. UP has made a difference, has a practical agenda that is successful, and has a respected seat at the table about how current insurance issues get resolved.
If you are a reader of this blog, be a contender and not a pretender when it comes to your support for policyholders by joining UP and participating in their projects with your time and/or money. If you are a policyholder, check out the educational materials on the UP website and make certain your voice is counted by sharing your experience with UP.
Thought For The Day
To Be, Rather Than Seem
—Latin Proverb
Video For The Day