Friday At 2 With Chip Merlin is a 15 minute brief summary of the biggest property insurance topics of the week and answering questions about property insurance claims and law. There are three primary topics to discuss and you can ask more questions if I have time to answer.
Recurrent questions involve the trend of insurance companies using an expert to provide opinions about a loss which also dovetailed into coverage. This is not just during a claim, but also during appraisal.
Hurricane Isaias is headed towards Florida. I can hear some readers say, “yeah Chip, just barely if you look at the path.” Hurricanes do not know that humans have made a path. Predictions and wobbles of hurricanes 15 miles one way or another can mean a lot in terms of damage. Prepare and be ready—just in case.
The Federal Panel on Multi District Litigation held a hearing on all the business interruption claims filed in federal court yesterday. What are the implications and possibilities for those claims and lawsuits?
Hope you can join me for a brief discussion of these topics. Here is a link.