Sometimes we have experiences that give us a better perspective on reality. In this busy world with constant deadlines, stress, and email, it is important to take a step back and remember that life is short and we should be sure to consider our safety and well being as we travel through our busy days.
I have written several blogs about safety, Remembering Katie Froeschle, Safety Instructions for Public Adjusters, and Mark Everest Addresses Public Adjuster Safety and Risk Management, after I was educated about safety issues facing property adjusters.
Yesterday, I received a copy of the newly released safety manual- Safety in the Field for Public Adjusters, created and commissioned by the American Association of Public Insurance Adjusters and written by Mark A. Everest, Lori Everest, and Leah Class.
This is the first publication of its kind and offers excellent information about safety specific challenges this profession faces on a regular basis. Many professionals spend a great deal of time performing property inspections, but as a public adjuster, you , view damaged properties to determine the extent of damages. And as Chip Merlin pointed out in his acknowledgment, “adjusters are often the first experts to evaluate the true extent of the damage following a catastrophe, leaving them exposed to physical harm resulting from structural instability, proximity to hazardous waste, and even increased criminal activity."
This new field guide provides a great reference for public adjusters to help address many of the dangers and reduce exposure to unsafe conditions. The guide explains post-fire safety, injury prevention, mold and asbestos exposure, ladder safety, and many more important topics.
To get your copy of Safety in the Field For Public Adjusters, you can visit the AAPIA site or visit AAPIA’s booth next week at the 13th Annual Windstorm Insurance Conference®.