The Windstorm Insurance Conference in Orlando will feature a debate re-match between yours truly representing the policyholder view and Steve Badger who represents insurance companies. Many of my policyholder friends often ask how I can have such a good professional relationship with Badger whom they view as somebody akin to Darth Vader. I am certain some insurance claims executives wonder why Steve would hang out or discuss the current issues addressing insurance claims with somebody their world may view as on the insurance industry’s most wanted to destroy list.
Here is a list of some of the topics which have been suggested we analyze:
Coverage/Adjustment Issues
- General Contractor Overhead and Profit — When is it owed?
- “Functional” Damage — What is it?
- Dings to Metal — Will it rust through and leak?
- Matching — Must it match?
- Repair vs. Replacement — How do we determine?
- Assignment of Benefits/Power of Attorney — Good or bad idea?
Emerging Policy Forms — Reactions?
- Farmers Appraisal Form
- One Year Notice of Loss
- Mandatory Appraisal
- Mandatory Arbitration
- Managed Repair
The Appraisal Process
- Love it or hate it?
- Proper Scope
- Preferred Process/Use of Appraisal Protocol
- Waiver — Can it be waived?
- Disqualifying Appraisers — When is a challenge warranted?
- Umpires — Who’s best?
- Challenging Awards
The Ethical and Esoteric Issues
- Polarization of the Claims Process — Who’s fault and why?
- Public Adjusters — Is it still a “profession”?
- Unauthorized Practice of Public Adjusting — What is it and what to do?
- Case Solicitation for Lawyers — All agree it’s wrong?
- The Xactimate Game — Too high? Too low? Alternatives?
- Experts — Can we believe anyone?
- Policyholders — Lost in the shuffle?
Steve Badger and I had a similar rough and tumble discussion in Texas. I reported on that event in Representing and Helping Policyholders is Good for the Soul – Reflections on Merlin vs. Badger, and this one promises to be just as lively.
The Windstorm Insurance Conference is a premier claims training event. Cutting edge claims presentations and workshops like the one Steve Badger and I will have make the event something adjusters and those involved with handling property insurance claims should never miss.
Here is a link for registration.
Positive Thought For The Day
Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.
—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.