The First Party Claim Conference is just over one week away. For adjusters, claims managers, and attorneys involved with property insurance claims, this is an excellent forum to learn and exchange ideas.
The Keynote Speaker is CNN’s lovely Bonnie Schneider. As indicated in this interview in the Providence Business News, she will be speaking about Disaster Planning:
CNN’s Bonnie Schneider picked a good time to become a television meteorologist. Since she graduated from Boston University and got her first on-air job, the world has continued to get warmer and extreme weather events have become more common throughout the country.
While they provide rich subject matter, the floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and droughts Schneider follows can be devastating to the communities they hit. When media attention leaves an extreme weather event, the insurance industry is usually arriving on the scene.
On Oct. 15, Schneider will cross paths with executives and claims adjustors when she gives the keynote speech at the First Party Claims Conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warwick. Schneider will touch on many of the subjects in her first book, “Extreme Weather,” and the subject of a new DIY Network show she co-produced called “Last House Standing,” about bad storms and how property owners can deal with them.
I know you are probably wondering whether any of the presentations about property insurance adjusting are going to be so entertaining and enlightening that you just have to be there for the thrill. Well, pack your bags and make your reservations. I know for certain that one will blow you away. Yours truly, along with attorney William Schneider, will deliver a talk on “The Theory of Indemnity and What Constitutes a Loss."
I know some may have wrongly criticized you for being excited and nerdy in your enthusiasm for these sort of things. You will be among understanding friends when you walk into my room. I guarantee it will be entertaining, challenging and fun.
But wait, there’s more! In addition to Bonnie Scheider and myself, you also get the rest of the conference included in the same package deal for no additional charge! Here is the rest of a very impressive lineup:
Anatomy of an Arson Investigation and Defense – Alan C. Milstein, Esq., PC and Tom McKay, Esq.
Business Income and Extra Expense for Service Businesses vs. Manufacturing or Retail – Len Theran, SPPA and Glenn
Ricciardelli, CPA, CVA, CFE, CFF
The Basics of Business Income Accounting, What is Needed and What is Available to Prove a Loss – Tony D’Amico and
Peter Fogarty, CPA
The Challenges of Ethical and Good Faith Claims Handling – Brian Sullivan, Esq.
Negotiation Skills: A Workshop for Adjusters – William Stewart, CPCU
The Ins and Outs of the National Flood Insurance Program – Steve Surace, CPA, MBA and Greg Raab
The Umpire in the Insurance Appraisal: Duties, Responsibilities, Authority and Current Developments – Jonathan Wilkofsky, Esq.
Property Claims – Establishing and Documenting Accurate Valuation/Damages Methodologies – John Minor, CGC, CFM
Contractors Acting as Adjusters — A Perspective on the Problem for the Adjusting Industry – Brian Goodman, Esq.
Wind Vs. Flood Where Did the Water Come From? – Matt Phelps, P.E., R.S and Ivan Browner
Boiler and Machinery Coverage and Claims – Ivo Labar, Esq.
Preparing Files for Litigation — Making a Favorable Record – Anthony Smith, Esq.
Earthquake Claims — East Coast vs. West Coast (Assessment and Repair Issues) – Dilip Khatri, Ph.D., P.E., S.E.
Water Losses – Damage and Coverage Issues – Amy Bach, Esq., Alan J. Pierce, Esq., Daniel C. MacRitchie, P.E., Ronald J. Papa, SPPA and Jodie Papa
E-Discovery, Record Retention and Documentation Production – Lee Gunn, Esq.
Builders Risk: Understanding the Differences – Property vs. Inland Marine – Jay Radov, Esq., CIC
Matching Issues in Building and Personal Property Claims – J. Robert Keena, Esq.
Understanding Pre-existing Conditions and their Effect on Insurance Recoveries – Jeffrey Raizner, Esq.
Property Insurance Claims from the Consumer’s Viewpoint – Jeffrey Diamond, Esq.
Cordish Writing Prize – The Seminal ALR Articles – Replacement Cost, All Risk Policies, and Business Interruption Insurance – Marvin Milton, SPPA, FPPA and Diane Swerling, SPPA
Occupational Safety in the Field for Adjusters – Ronald Schaible, CIH, CSP
Forensics and Assessment Processes – Jeff Schwenk
The Relationship Between Extra Expense and Business Income – Carl Salisbury, Esq. and Erica Dominitz, Esq.
Depositions and Surviving Litigation in the Era of Social Media – Mary Fortson, Esq., Jeff Rotella, Esq. and Brian Wagner, Esq.
An Adjuster’s Guide to Complying with Post-Loss Conditions – Christina Phillips, Esq. and Ernest Wagner, Esq.
Knowing and Understanding Policy Language, Exclusions, What Does it Mean – My Loss is Not Covered – Dave Pettinato, Esq.
Mortgage(e) Rights and Interests and the Dispensing of Insurance Proceeds – The Foreclosure Issue Redux – Francis Doherty, Esq. and Ron Reitz, CPPA
The Conference is October 15-17, 2012, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warwick, Rhode Island. Here is a link for your Registration. I look forward to seeing you there.