Allstate Insurance Companies are being called before the Florida Senate Select Committee to testify today and tomorrow regarding a number of issues, especially its rate filings. I have publicy applauded this inquiry and those interested can read the Committee’s filings on the internet. The issues are a little broader than just rates. The letter to Allstate from Senators Atwater and Geller list claims history and profitability factoring. I expect that the Core Claims Process Re-Design documents and processes will again be a matter of inquiry. The hearing should be interesting because something like this has never occurred. Public inquiry with extensive press coverage regarding an insurance company’s honesty of its operations is something that should have occurred long ago.
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Our firm represents residential, commercial and government entities in seeking timely, fair and proper compensation. We also support adjusters and contractors and work to protect their fees. In addition, we proudly serve as a reputable firm for referring attorneys to entrust their clients with should they be approached with an insurance claim case. Don’t fight insurance companies on your own. Contact us today!