Governor Scott has just declared a state of emergency for the entire State of Florida and every county within the State. Let’s face it, as of this morning the forecast track and strength of Tropical Storm Erika has changed repeatedly with each hurricane center update. But as of the time that I am writing this post, it is predicted to traverse the spine of the Florida peninsula and could have wide-reaching affects for Florida residents.

Please be sure that preparations are taken so that you and your families will be safe with whatever Erika will bring to us in the upcoming days. Make sure you have plenty of water, batteries for flashlights, gas and oil for generators, extension cords for the generator, snack/non-perishable foods, ice to fill coolers with perishable food, and propane or charcoal for your grill so you can eat like kings and queens once the storm passes. Be safe and be prepared so it is not a last minute scramble. We never know what Mother Nature has in store for us and often the expert forecasters will not know the details until they look back at it later.