On January 1, 2012, Florida Statute §626.854 imposes many important changes that all public adjuster in Florida need to be familiar with and implementing into their businesses. Many of the changes relate to the requirements that must be contained in a contract between a public adjuster and policyholder. In the holiday theme, below you will find a summary of some of contract requirements for public adjusters, just sing it to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas:

For 2012, the Legislature is requiring me…to send my contract to the carrier within 30 days after it is signed.

For 2012, the Legislature is requiring me… to state the type of claim on the dotted line.

For 2012, the Legislature is requiring me to…tell the carrier if this is a claim occurred during a state of emergency.

For 2012, the Legislature is requiring me to…make sure all named insured sign, sign, sign.

For 2012, the Legislature is requiring me to… send an affidavit signed by the available insureds if not all named insureds are available to bind.

For 2012, the Legislature is requiring me to…send a copy of the contract that includes the percentage of my fee.

For 2012, the Legislature is requiring me to…list if this is a supplemental damage claim, this is key.

For 2012, the Legislature wants me to continue…include on the agreement my address and firm name.

For 2012, the Legislature wants me to continue… reminding the insureds of the timely right to cancel same.

For 2012, the Legislature wants me to continue…including the anti-fraud language on each contract.

For 2012, the Legislature wants me to continue…to disclose that in a state of emergency (and one year following) the insureds have 5 business days after the date signed to cancel after the fact.

For 2012, the Legislature wants me to continue…to list my business address and license number on the contract.

Many other changes are going to impact public adjusters with respect other areas of the profession, including claim involvement and advertising. Additional blog posts will be posted in the next few days that provide information on the changes effective January 1, 2011. Stay tuned!
