FEMA recognizes that the 60-day proof of loss deadline for flood damages relating to Hurricane Matthew was causing an undue burden on policyholders and has provided an extension.

The extension is an additional 60 days only. Policyholders now have a total of 120-days following the date of loss to provide the completed, signed, and sworn proof of loss.

Below is a link to the official FEMA WYO Bulletin W-16088 that was issued this week:

Notice of the Limited Waiver of the Standard Flood Insurance Policy (“SFIP”) to Extend the Time for Sending Proofs of Loss in the States of Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia for Claims Related to Hurricane Matthew

Remember that even with this extension, the documentation supporting your proof of loss and the signed proof of loss will need to be received before the 60th day of the extension.

More blogs about proofs of loss are available and should be studied because of the unique nature of flood losses: