Folk singer Kevin Roth, thinks now is the time for Floridians to do something about the state run property insurance corporation and has put his thoughts to music. Roth was inspired to write his song about Citizens after he received a notice from Citizens indicating his coverage would now exclude his screened-porch and carport. Roth contacted his agent and learned that his premiums would also rise. The prospect of paying much more for less inspired Roth to write this song. He hopes it will raise awareness of the issue and that individuals will join together and take initiative to fix what Roth calls a "broken system." He recognizes that the problems with Citizens did not start because of Governor Rick Scott’s action but he thinks policyholders need to voice their concerns to Governor Scott and not be apathetic to the situation.

Kevin Roth has been an artist since 1972, but this is the first time he felt compelled to write a protest song. Roth believes the public has a responsibility to say something now before the 2012 hurricane season. Roth is encouraged that individuals can make a difference and cited to the recent example with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure funding change that was reversed after the recent public outcry.

Roth’s video message is available here and will be available for download on February 21st.