Insurance companies that engage in unfair claims practices are always concerned that somebody may “blow the whistle” and tell of dirty claims secrets designed to add profits at the policyholder’s loss. A new website, WikiClaimLeaks, is designed to do provide a safe forum for disclosure by insurance company whistleblowers about those outrageous claims practices.

WikiClaimLeaks states its purpose as follows:

WikiClaimLeaks is a non-profit media entity. The primary ambition of WikiClaimLeaks is to report on the misdeeds of insurance companies and the vendors that support them. We are concerned with all matters of insurance ranging from property insurance to health insurance and all other insurance types in between. The insurance carrier vendors we report on range from engineers, doctors, laboratories, software developers, material testing companies, and the list goes on.

WikiClaimLeaks affords its information sources state of the art, top level security so that no informant will ever lose their anonymity. Confidential informants will be able to make use of our proprietary “E-Drop” system as one way to safely deliver the information they wish to convey to us.

Probably one of the main reasons that WikiClaimLeaks has such credibility with other news organizations is that whenever it is possible we like to provide the original documents that you submit to us right along with our news story as evidence of the atrocities committed by insurers.

As news organizations go, WikiClaimLeaks is very small, although we are growing with every opportunity that we have to help fellow Americans. Many of our workers are volunteers who will not accept payment for their service of the American public.

In my business, I frequently receive unsolicited internal insurance company claims information from anonymous sources. Insurance adjusters and employees sometimes call to alert us of unconscionable claims practices hoping we can do something without those sources losing their jobs. WikiClaimLeaks is a step to a more formal forum offering a method for such disclosure. Hopefully, the following quote on the website will become a reality:

WikiClaimLeaks may very well be the end of Insurance Bad Faith – Because insurance company employees will no longer tolerate it.